Tuesday 22 January 2019

ACT 1= FOUNDATIONS What’s Wrong with This Picture?

What’s Wrong with This Picture?

It’s estimated that Americans spend $11 billion (that’s a bbillion)
a year on self-help products—everything from books to DVDs to
diet pills—while American companies spend over $400 billion a
year on professional development programs for their employees.
Personally, I think those are very low estimates; especially when
you consider all the weight-loss programs, exercise equipment,
business books, and everything else you could put in the category
of self-help.
(Yes, I know there are a lot of other, fancier terms for this: personal
growth, self-improvement, professional development, etc.
But for now, let’s just agree to call it self-help, OK?)
Actually, I call most of this information SHELF-help—because
that’s where most of it goes—on the shelf along with all the rest of

the stuff you’ve bought over the years. So let’s just say that we are
“only” spending $411 billion a year on SHELF-help products.
Now, think about this in even more concrete terms: How much
money have YOU spent on SHELF-help products in the last year,
two years, five years?

If you’re like most of the people who come to my seminars and
mentorship programs, that number is anywhere from $1,000 to
$50,000 . . . and up. (I’ve had people come up to me in my semi10
Noah St. John
nars, some in tears, and tell me that what I shared with them in
thirty minutes saved them over one million dollars.)
So heeeeeeeere’s . . .

Why, with all this time, money, and energy being spent on selfhelp,
are so few people living the life they really want? Another way
to ask this is:
Why are millions of people who’ve spent so much time
and money trying to improve themselves still going
down the road of life with one foot on the brake?
There actually is an answer to this seemingly unanswerable
question. But like most vexing problems, to answer this question,
we must first ask a deeper question. The deeper question we need
to ask is:

While there may be many ways to answer that question, here’s what
I’ve found to be, at once, the simplest and most accurate answer to
that question. It’s a simple answer, because I’ve found (and I’m sure
you have, too) that the simplest solutions tend to create the best
and longest-lasting results.

I’ve shown this picture to tens of thousands of people in my
seminars, and I call it the Scales of Success.
Picture a balance, like the scales of justice you’ve seen in one
of those courtroom TV shows. It’s an instrument for determining
weight that has a fulcrum at the center, from each end of which is
suspended a plate.

On one plate, imagine that we have something called
Why-To’s. These are your internal motives or Reasons Why to
do something. On the other plate, we have your Why-Not-To’s
your internal Reasons Why Not to do something.
Let me give you an example from your own life. Why are you
reading this book right now? The answer is very simple. You’re
reading this book because you perceive that there are more Benefits
of reading this book (another word for Why-To’s is Benefit)
than Costs of doing so (another word for Why-Not-To’s is Cost).
Your perceived Why-To’s or Benefits of reading this book might
12 Noah St. John
I want to learn what the world’s most successful people do,
so I can do that in my own life . . .
So I can stop sabotaging myself . . .
So I can make more money . . .
And finally get my foot off the brake . . .
And this will make me happier, because I can live the life I’ve
always wanted . . .
And quit this job I hate . . .
And take more vacations . . .
And have better relationships . . .
And lose weight . . .
And find the love of my life . . .
And buy a new car . . .
And a new house . . .
And get out of debt . . .
Did I mention I’ll finally get my foot off the brake?
What about your Why-Not-To’s or Cost? Those might include:
I have a million other things I could be doing right now.
Who is this guy, anyway, and why should I listen to him?
What if I get to the end and still haven’t learned how to get
my foot off the brake?
What if it works for everyone else, but not for me?
What’s he trying to sell me? I’ve been burned before and I
don’t want it to happen again.
Did I mention all the other things I could be doing right

Your mind is like an infinite weighing machine—every moment,
your mind is weighing your perceived Benefit against your perceived
Cost of doing any behavior or activity you can think of. Can you
see that every decision we make is built upon our Why-To’s and
Why-Not-To’s? Consider the following:
What’s Wrong with This Picture? 13
Where you live
What you wear
What you eat (and how often you eat it)
What kind of car you drive
What you do for work
Who you decide to marry—or not marry!
What you had for breakfast this morning . . .

All of these were determined by your Why-To’s and your Why-
Not-To’s. In fact, every decision you’ve ever made in your life was
based on your internal Why-To’s and Why-Not-To’s: your reasons
why you thought you should do the thing vs. the reasons not to do
that thing.

“Okay, Noah,” you’re saying, “I can see that every decision I make
is based on my Why-To’s and Why-Not-To’s. But what does that
have to do with success? Are you trying to tell me, if I’m holding
myself back from success, that means I don’t want to succeed?”
I’ve had the privilege of working with countless thousands
of people in my seminars and mentorship programs—business
owners and teenagers, salespeople and accountants, employers and
employees, people who work at big companies and stay-at-home
moms; men, women, and children from all walks of life. And in all
that time, I’ve never met one person who doesn’t want to succeed.
Human beings are motivated by Success—getting,
having, and keeping the things we want.

Yet we’ve already seen that millions of people and organizations
are holding themselves back from the level of success they’re perfectly
capable of, even though, collectively, we’re spending billions
of dollars to try to fix the problem.
So, what’s going on here? There must be something hidden . . .
something deeper . . . something not visible to the casual observer.

Picture an iceberg. We’ve all heard that 90 to 95 percent of an iceberg
is hidden beneath the surface of the water, while only 5 to 10
percent is visible, above the surface.

Scientists at Stanford, MIT, and other esteemed institutions
have determined that the human mind operates in much the same
way. Just like an iceberg, your mind is comprised of two parts: the
part that’s visible (above the surface) and the part that’s hidden
(below the surface).


Instead of the water line, let’s call the line that separates the two
parts in the mind the Line of Consciousness. And we’ll call the
visible 10 percent your Conscious Mind, and call the hidden 90
percent the Subconscious Mind. Another word for conscious is
intentional, because it represents CHOICE.

According to scientific research, your Conscious Mind makes
up less than 10 percent of your total brain function. That means
that the Subconscious Mind or unintentional aspect of your mind
represents more than 90 percent of your total brain function.
Your subconscious is a vast collection of unintentional, habitual
thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Therefore, the phrase that best
describes the Subconscious Mind is NO CHOICE.

Look around the room you’re in right now. What if I came in to
the room you’re in and turned out all the lights? In fact, I removed
all the visible light from the room. Now it’s pitch dark and you
can’t see a thing.

What would happen if I then asked you to rearrange the furniture?
How successful would you be at rearranging the furniture
in a room that’s completely dark? Answer: not very. You’d bang
your shins on the coffee table, fumble around, and be incapable of
making even the simplest of changes.

Because you can’t rearrange furniture in a place where you can’t
see anything, does that mean you’re incapable of rearranging furniture?
Of course not! You are perfectly capable of rearranging
furniture—when you can see what the heck you’re doing.
Your Subconscious Mind is like that completely dark room.
We don’t know what’s in there, because we simply can’t see it—it’s
hidden beneath the surface like the bottom 90 percent of an iceberg.
And when you can’t see something, it’s awfully hard to change it.
Which brings us back to the original question . . .
Why are millions of people who’ve spent so much time
and money trying to improve themselves still stuck?

Putting together our Scales of Success and Iceberg of Consciousness,
the answer becomes stunningly simple.
Your Why-To’s of Success are held
in your Conscious Mind.
Everyone wants to succeed . . . on the conscious level. We all know
to succeed is better than the alternative! Why do you think we’re spending
all this time, money, and energy trying to be more successful? So
the Benefits or Why-To’s of Success are held in our Conscious Mind.
But have you ever stopped to think about the Cost of actually
allowing yourself to succeed?

I’ve asked this question of countless thousands of people in my
seminars, and the response I get is . . . dead silence. Followed by
the slightly anxious shuffling in the seats. I can practically hear
people’s minds whirring as they ask themselves the unexpected
question: “Gee, I’ve never thought of that before . . . What could be a
Cost of actually allowing myself to succeed?”

In other words, have you ever thought about the fact that, if your
Why-To’s of Success are held in the Conscious Mind, then . . .
Your Why-Not-To’s of Success are
held in your Subconscious Mind.

When I ask my audience members to give me some examples
of what could possibly be a Cost of Success, typical answers include:
Isn’t it going to take a lot of TIME to be really successful?
I’m too BUSY—look at my to-do list!
I don’t want the extra RESPONSIBLITY.
What if my FAMILY doesn’t approve?
What if my SPOUSE is jealous of me?
What if someone LAUGHS at me?
What if my FRIENDS don’t like me anymore?
What if I succeed and can’t SUSTAIN it?
18 Noah St. John
What if I have to spend too much time AWAY from my family?
What if I go for it and LOSE it all?
What if people find out I’m a FRAUD?
What if . . . what if . . . what if. . .

And those are just the immediate responses! (I put that last one
in there to include all ways we “what-if” ourselves.)
Did you notice something about all these Why-Not-To’s of
Success? They are all held in your Subconscious Mind. Meaning:
No one wakes up in the morning, looks out the window and says,
“Ahhh, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I feel great. I
think I’ll hold myself back from success today!”

Nor does anyone say, “I think I’ll buy this book (or go to this
seminar, or start this new coaching program) to learn how to sabotage
myself better!”

Every human being wants to
succeed—on the conscious level.
But because your Why-Not-To’s of Success are hidden in your
Subconscious Mind, it’s like you’re driving down the road of life
. . . with one foot on the brake.

Let’s say you’ve been working really hard, trying to succeed. Maybe
you started a new coaching program, or went to a seminar that
really pumped you up, or read a new book that really made sense to
you. You began to make positive changes in your life. You followed
the instructions. And guess what? It starts to work.

After all your hard work, focus, and money that you spent,
you actually start to get what you were going after. You’re moving
toward the thing you want. You’re making progress, making more
money. You’re becoming more and more successful.

Then what happens? That’s when the fear sets in!
As crazy as it sounds, you actually start to feel the feeling known
as fear when you start to get what you’ve been working so hard for.
But . . .
Why would someone feel FEAR when
they start to get what they WANT?
This happened because, unbeknownst to you, your Scales of
Success started to tip. Your subconscious Why-Not-To’s of Success—
the ones you can’t see, because they’re hidden, remember?—
started silently screaming at you: “Hey, what do you think you’re
doing? You can’t handle this! What if you can’t keep this going? Why
don’t you just stop now and avoid the embarrassment later?”
So, what do you do? What anyone would do in that situation.

You do whatever it takes to stop feeling the fear. That’s because fear
is one of those emotions we humans will do just about anything
to avoid. So, rather than examining why you might be feeling that
feeling, you stop doing what was working. You slam on the brakes.
You “sabotage” yourself. Because doing that feels easier than feeling
the fear.

And then, you get to beat yourself up—because you can tell
yourself you were right! “See, I told you: I knew you couldn’t handle
it. Why even bother?”

Sound familiar? If you are nodding your head right now, this
book was written especially for you. But what went unexamined in
all this is a simple fact:

A feeling is a RESULT, not a cause.
Feelings don’t cause themselves. When you experience a feeling
or emotion, there is something going on inside of you that caused
that feeling. And what causes the so-called “fear of success” or
“foot-on-the-brake syndrome”? Your hidden, subconscious Why-
Not-To’s of Success.

Here, then, is the bottom line:
You are not holding yourself back from Success
because you don’t know “how to succeed.”
You are holding yourself back from the Success
you are perfectly capable of, because you have
more subconscious Why-Not-To’s of Success
than conscious Why-To’s of Success.

Remember all those traditional success programs we’re spending
billions of dollars on? In traditional success programs, they teach
you “how to succeed.” And that’s a good thing, right? I mean, if
you want to do something, it’s good to know how to do it.

And since we all want to succeed, all we’d need is to be told
“how to succeed,” then we’ll all be successful . . . right?
Why don’t you turn the page to see how that assumption is
working out for you . . .

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