Sunday 12 March 2017


God never tells us to settle down in shallow waters. In Luke chapter 5, Peter was about to catch the kind of fish he had never caught before but that was lying in the deep. He could have chosen to stay in the shallow waters where he could control things. If you are going to get the best of God, you must keep moving further into the place where you lose control and God takes control. Jesus told him, “Launch out into the deep for a draught.” There are many things you will never become if you don’t take that step. Taking that step is the greatest fear the devil wields on men.

In Ezekiel 47, the bible talks of a river that was flowing from the altar of God and Ezekiel entered into that river. At first it was ankle deep water. The ankle deep water of the Holy Ghost is where a man can still control many things in his life and the Holy Ghost does not have him totally; the man is seemingly using the Holy Ghost. God is not static; He is always calling you to follow Him into dimensions of your life that is greater than what you have seen thus far.

That fear of the unknown has kept many people stuck with the familiar (the understandable, and the controllable). The unknown is the one that you don’t understand or have control over and that brings a fear that makes you not want to attempt it. There are people today that the reason for their smallness in life and mediocrity is because the fear of the unknown kept them with the familiar. The devil knows he can’t handle you in the unknown, because just as you are afraid of the unknown of your life, he is too.

Jesus would not have become the Saviour if He was not willing to face the unknown of becoming a man. Can you imagine the unknown that He faced? The one that had never known limitations, emptied Himself of His eternal glory and stepped into limitation. He must be a Saviour that can be touched by the feelings of our infirmities, the feelings which were an unknown factor to Him, so He had to come and feel how we feel.

You know why the devil is afraid of your unknown? Because the unknown can always beat him. Every weapon he has against you comes from your known, but if you move to your unknown, you move out of the sphere of his own control. Make a decision today that the unknown will be your best friend, because thing

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