Pastor W.F. Kumuyi's 22 Powerful Quotes During Deeper Life National Easter Retreat 2017
The below quotes are words of Pastor William F. Kumuyi, the General
Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministries during the church
National Easter Retreat, 2017.
1. The faithfulness that God requires is the faithfulness that does not pull others down.
1. The faithfulness that God requires is the faithfulness that does not pull others down.
There is always a time when the strength of a
man will fail him but God can never fail because he is incomprehensible.
Nothing is impossible to God and nothing is impossible
to those that trust and believe in Him.
Heaven will not be complete without us.
We live not to preserve our lives but we live to
do the Will of god.
Anywhere the Kingdom of God comes, the Will of
God will be established there.
Since the fall of man, the Will of man strive to
take preeminent but only the blood of Christ can redeem man.
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The only thing that can return man to Christ and
make him perfect is the blood of Jesus Christ.
Without purging of self, our services and
worship will not be acceptable to God.
The truth is the greatest assert you can have in
When everything in world has passed away with
all its gravitational goods, TRUTH will still remain unshakable.
The TRUTH that purified can only be found in the
pages of the BIBLE.
13. What you said is what you will have.
13. What you said is what you will have.
The more you talk about problems, the more
perplex and weak you will become.
The more civilize and educated the world is, the
more typical and wicked the heart of man become.
The heart is the seat of action; what is in the
heart actions our tongue, movement, etc .
When you tell the TRUTH, the world may take away
earthly benefits from you but cannot take eternal benefits from you.
It is the condition of the heart that will
determine the direction and destination of our lives.
19. When you conquer the tempter, you conquer everything in life.
20. If you are saturated and filled by the Word of God, anytime the tempter comes, you will be able to conquer and knock him down.
21. Devil will always use what we are eager and passionate about to tempt us.
22. Covetousness opens the door for the tempter to come in
19. When you conquer the tempter, you conquer everything in life.
20. If you are saturated and filled by the Word of God, anytime the tempter comes, you will be able to conquer and knock him down.
21. Devil will always use what we are eager and passionate about to tempt us.
22. Covetousness opens the door for the tempter to come in
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