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Praying in Tongues (Mark 16:15-17)
A. Speaking with tongues has nothing to with the New Birth, being a good person, or
going to heaven.
B. It is the God’s will for every Christian to speak with other tongues. (Mark 16:17)
C. God’s Will and Promises Are Not Automatic (Galatians 3:2, 5, 13-14)
1. The bible teaches that it is not God’s will that any should perish (2 Peter
3:9); yet many die and are eternally lost. Unbelief, whether caused by
ignorance, or unbelief caused by the inability to be persuaded, will hinder
a Christian from receiving what God wills that he or she receives.
2. The promises of God are received by faith. Faith comes by the hearing of
God’s Word. Faith involves action. If a person does not hear the Word of
God concerning being filled with the Spirit or speaking with other
tongues, then that person will not have the faith to be filled or to speak
with other tongues. This is the reason most Christians in the body of
Christ are not filled with the Spirit or do not speak with other tongues.
Speaking with other tongues is a Bible truth, biblical doctrine and the will
of God for every believer.
Note: Jesus appeared to over 500 believers and commanded them to wait
in Jerusalem until they were endowed with power from on high;
however, only 120 believers showed up on the day of Pentecost.
In Acts 5:29-32, the scriptures states that those who obey God
receive the Spirit. The promises of God are received by faith.
D. The ability to speak and pray with tongues is given when a Christian is baptized
with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:4)
1. Scriptural references for the biblical pattern of being baptized with the Spirit
and speaking with tongues:
a. Acts 8:14-18 Jews
b. Acts 9:17-18 Samaritans
c. Acts 10:44-47 Gentiles
d. Acts 19:1-7 Disciples at Ephesus
Note: Remember, “The tongue comes with the shoe”!! If the tongue
comes with the shoe, then it is obvious that the manufacturer or
designer has a purpose for the tongue. Could it be that God has a
purpose for the tongue? And if He does have a purpose for the
tongue and we are not praying in tongues, then we are missing out
on His purpose.
E. Questions Concerning Speaking with Other Tongues:
1. Doesn’t the bible say that tongues and miracles passed away with the early
church? (I Corinthians 13:8-12)
Answer: No. There is no scriptural reference in the bible that states that
tongues passed away with the early church. The scripture does say that
tongues will cease. The scriptures states that there will come a time when
tongues and prophecy shall cease. That time is when “that which is
perfect is come” (see verse 10). That which is perfect is Jesus. When
Jesus returns for the Church, tongues will cease. When Jesus returns for
the Church, we will no longer need fragments of knowledge, wisdom and
insight. All wisdom will be standing right in front of us! We will no
longer need tongues, it will cease at that time; but until Jesus returns we
should pray and speak with other tongues.
2. Do all speak with tongues? (I Corinthians 12:28-30)
Answer: If we stay consistent with the scriptures and we answer Paul’s
questions, the consistent answer is no.
There are two kinds of tongues mentioned in the scriptures:
a. Tongues as a sign (Mark 16:17) – Also called the prayer language
of the human spirit; praying in the Spirit. Tongues as a sign
operates as the believer wills (I Corinthians 14:14-15). Tongues
as a sign is for every Christian.
b. Tongues as a gift (I Corinthians 12:1, 8-11) – Tongues as a gift is
not for every Christian. Tongues as a gift operates as the Spirit
wills. Tongues as a gift is a public, supernatural utterance in a
language not understood by the hearers and must be accompanied
by an interpretation. This is not something that we can turn on and
off, this is as the Spirit wills. This is not for every Christian.
In I Corinthians 12:28-30, Paul is not talking about tongues as a sign; but
rather tongues as a gift, and if we examine the scriptures we see that Paul
asks “do all interpret?” in conjunction with “do all speak with tongues?”;
which indicates that these are companion gifts and must accompany one
3. Why tongues? What is God’s purpose for tongues? Why should I pray in
tongues? (1 Corinthians 14:18)
Answer: Every Christian church or denomination esteems the Apostle Paul
and recognizes him as a great apostle and teacher; and gives him credit for
authoring nearly two thirds of the New Testament. This great apostle
acknowledges that he spoke in tongues more than the whole church put
In 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14, he is not attempting to get tongues out of
the church, but rather to bring order. (I Corinthians 14:39-40) He is not
speaking against the tongues because he stated that he spent more time
praying in tongues than all of them together. If it does not matter whether
or not we pray in tongues, why did the great Apostle Paul spend his time
praying in tongues?
There are three (3) primary reasons Christians should pray in tongues:
a. Intercessions (Romans 8:26-27) – The ability to pray for others as
well as oneself, about things in which we do not have adequate
b. Self-edification (I Corinthians 14:4; Jude 20) – When we pray in
the Spirit we are building up our spirits. As it relates to selfedification,
those who do pray in tongues seem to be more open to
the whole counsel of God. As it relates to the gifts of the Spirit,
deliverance, casting out demons, divine healings; those who have
been filled with the Spirit and speak with tongues seem to be more
open. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is the doorway into the
supernatural (Acts 19:6). Those who do not speak with tongues do
not prophesy or operate in the gifts of the Spirit.
c. To Worship God (1 Corinthians 14:15) – It is impossible to
worship God in Spirit without singing in tongues.
Note: Remember that the New Testament was written by men who
spoke in tongues! e.
Today, we will start Part 2 of our sermon series on the Kingdom, entitled, “Kingdom Lifestyle: Living on Earth as Citizens of Heaven.” Part 2 is built on Part 1. First, we learned about the nature of the Kingdom in the parables. Now, we will learn about the guidelines of the Kingdom lifestyle in Jesus’ sermon. Jesus’ sermon on the mount describes the quality of the righteous life of citizens of the Kingdom. It describes what it should look like in the present spiritual Kingdom as well as in the coming future physical Kingdom of Christ. But it does not tell us how to attain this righteous life.[1]
I read a story of a king who visited a school and asked the children some questions. He pointed to a stone in his ring and asked, “To what kingdom does this stone belong?” The children answered, “The mineral kingdom.”
He pointed to a flower in his clothes and asked, “To what kingdom does this flower belong?” “The vegetable kingdom.”
He pointed to a bird that flew outside and asked, “To what kingdom does this bird belong?” The kids replied, “The animal kingdom.”
Then the king pointed at himself. “To what kingdom do I belong?”
Have you received Christ as your Lord and Savior? Do you follow Christ today? Do you obey His commands? Then you belong to the kingdom of God. You will exhibit the marks of the righteous life of a citizen of the Kingdom.
The first part of Jesus’ sermon on the Kingdom lifestyle is the beatitudes. The English word, “Beatitudes,” is from the Latin, “beatitudenes,” from the Latin adjective, “beatitudo,”—“happy, fortunate, or blissful.” Let me point seven things about the beatitudes in Matt. 5:3-12.
First, the word, “blessed,” is translated from the Greek, makarios, “happy usually in the sense of privileged recipient of divine favor.” (Gingrich) In the context of Jesus’ sermon, the word, “blessed,” is the pronouncement of God’s favor upon you that comes from being right with God. Blessedness also means God’s rewards for those who live the righteous life of the Kingdom.[2]
Second, each “blessing” forms a topic that is a major theme in the Bible. For example, meekness and righteousness are major biblical themes.
Third, each saying includes a condition and result. For example, the phrase, “the poor in spirit,” is a condition; and the phrase, “theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” the result.
Fourth, the majority of scholars see only eight blessings in Matt. 5:3-10. Matt. 5:11-12 state, not another blessing, but a commentary on the eighth.
Fifth, Jesus reverses the status of the unfortunate by calling them blessed. For example, meekness is thought to be a sign of weakness. But to Jesus, it is a sign of the blessing of inheriting the earth.
Sixth, the beatitudes are not entrance requirements of the Kingdom, but eschatological blessings to disciples in the Kingdom. In vv. 1-2, Jesus taught the beatitudes to the disciples who came to Him. In v. 3, Jesus said, “theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” In v. 10, Jesus said again, “theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Verses 3 and 10 form an “inclusio,” bracketing the beatitudes in vv. 2-9. Thus, the beatitudes are not for everybody, but only for followers of Christ.
Seventh, and lastly, there is the present aspect of the beatitudes (“theirs is the kingdom”); but also, the future aspect (“they shall inherit the earth”). Thus, God gives partial rewards in the present age, but full rewards in the age to come.
There is the list of top 10 wonders of
the world which are the masterpiece of the skill and handwork of the
people of that era. Today we become astonished to see these wonders,
that in so remote ages without any modern technology and machine, how so
great construction were made. You can also visit the 10 Wonders of the Ancient World.
Top 10 Wonders of The World
10. Roman Baths
The famous Roman Baths complex is a site of historical interest in
Somerset. The house is a well-preserved Roman site for public bathing.
It’s a reconstruction of the previously destroyed baths. It was
destroyed in the 6th century, reconstruction of the baths occurred over
time with the last additions being done in the late 1800s.
The Baths are a major tourist attraction
of modern world. They receive more than one million visitors a year. It
was featured on the 2005 TV program Seven Natural Wonders as one of the
wonders of the West Country. Visitors can see the Baths and Museum but
cannot enter the water.
9. Leaning Tower of Pisa
This tower was build first in Pisa, a city of Italy in August 14, 1173.
It is known due to its inclinations towards right side. Till now it is
stable and nothing happened to it instead of its tilt.
8. Colosseum
The Colosseum, or the Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre is
an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy.
This is one of the greatest architecture ever built in the history of
Rome. The Colosseum was originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre and
is the largest amphitheater to have ever been built in the Roman
Empire. It is a circular structure that occupies a site east of the
Roman Forum. This Amphitheater was built to organize gladiator contests,
dramas and games like hunting animals, constructing mock sea battle and
the public could also view it in the open, and cheer their favorites.
See also; 10 Eye-Popping Gorgeous Roman Theatres.
7. Chichen Itza
It was founded by the Maya civilization in 400 AD and it is located in
the north central, north of Yucatan Peninsula now called Mexico. Chichen
has a history that is 1500 years old and is located 75 miles from
Merida. It is said to have been the main regional point for different
ceremonies. During the earlier days & time, it was governed by
priests. Chichen means “At the mouth of the well of Itza”. The word Chi
stands for ‘mouth’, Chen for ‘well’ and Itza for ‘the Itza tribe’. The
main belief is that people were thrown from the top as a sacrifice to
make their god happy and the ones who could survive were the ones who
were believed to be seers.
6. Hagia Sophia
The masterpiece of construction, Hagia Sophia is a former Christian
patriarchal basilica (church), later an imperial mosque, and now a
museum in Istanbul, Turkey. Hagia Sophia is currently the second-most
visited museum in Turkey, attracting almost 3.3 million visitors
From its initial conversion until the
construction of the nearby Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque of Istanbul)
in 1616, it was the principal mosque of Istanbul. The Hagia Sophia
served as inspiration for many other Ottoman mosques, such as the Blue
Mosque, the Şehzade Mosque, the Süleymaniye Mosque, the Rüstem Pasha
Mosque and the Kılıç Ali Paşa Mosque
5. Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is the pre Columbian, Inca empire site that is located
almost 8,000 feet above the sea level. The site is located on a mountain
ridge above the valley of Urubamba in Peru. The city is also called the
“lost city of Incas”. Machu Picchu was built around 1450, at the height
of the Inca Empire. It was abandoned just over 100 years later, in
1572, as a belated result of the Spanish Conquest.
Machu Picchu was declared UNESCO World
Heritage Site in 1983. In 2007, it was voted one of the New Seven
Wonders of the World in a worldwide Internet poll. See also; 10 Most Iconic Places to Photograph in the World.
4. Taj Mahal of Agra
It was constructed by famous Mughal ruler Shah Jahan in memory of his
beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is regarded as the best example
of Mughal architecture and is widely recognized as “the jewel of Muslim
art in India”. It is one of the world’s most celebrated structures and a
symbol of India’s rich history. The Taj Mahal attracts more than 3
million visitors a year. In 2007 it was declared one of the top
10 Wonders of the World. See also; 10 Interesting Facts About Taj Mahal.
3. Cristo Redentor Statue
It is largest Art Deco statue in the world and the 5th largest statue of
Jesus in the world. A symbol of Christianity across the world, the
statue has also become a cultural icon of both Rio de Janeiro and
Brazil, and is listed as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. It
is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone, and was constructed
between 1922 and 1931.
2. Petra
It is an archeological city of Jorden that is famous for its rock-cut
architecture and water conduit system. Another name for Petra is the
Rose City due to the color of the stone out of which it is carved.
Established during 312 BCE as the capital city of the Arab Nabataeans,
it is a symbol of Jordan. It lies on the slope of Jebel al-Madhbah in a
basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Arabah (Wadi
Araba), the large valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba.
Petra was named amongst the New 7
Wonders of the World in 2007. It is Jordan’s most-visited tourist
attraction and one of the “Places to See Before You Die”.
1. The Great Wall of China
Considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the world, the Great Wall of
China was constructed 7th century BC. It is a series of fortification
built to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and
invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe.
Lost Wonders of the World, The “Valley of Love” was built by a mystery race that inhabited what is now a remote part of Ireland.
This ancient valley is one of the lost
wonders of the earth. Valley of love is a mile wide and high. Many
controversies revolves around it. It is believed that the valley
remained hidden from the eyes of world for many centuries and was built
by a mysterious race that now lives in a remote area of Ireland. This
valley is more than 3000 years older than the pyramids of Egypt. The only intact structure in this valley referred as ‘Memorial of joy’ is awe-inspiring. This fantastic stone structure has an equally flabbergasted interior which is fully functional to this day.
The classic seven Wonders of the Ancient World were:
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Great Pyramid of Giza
Colossus of Rhodes
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Lighthouse of Alexandria
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only ancient world wonder that still exists in today modern world.
Amazing Natural Wonders Of The World – 40 Places To See Before You Die
Image Source: Thinkstock
Do you have a bucket list, or perhaps a travel list of places and
things you want to see before you die? I do. The thing is the list keeps
on growing. And growing, and growing (and after putting this article
together, that list grew just a little bit more).
In 1997, CNN released a list of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World:
Grand Canyon
The Great Barrier Reef
The Harbor at Rio de Janeiro
Mount Everest
Northern Lights
Paricutin Volcano
Victoria Falls
The thing is you can’t possibly round it down to seven. Seriously now, seven? I have no idea how CNN
accomplished narrowing their list down. However, regardless of how they
did it, it gave me an idea: to share my list (and this list) with you,
because it is truly a beautiful and wondrous world we live in.
1. Ha Long Bay
Located in the Quang Ninh province of Vietnam, this bay is one
incredible sight that runs along the coastline. What makes it so
amazing? The thousands of limestone islands, karsts and isles that are
completely covered in jungle vegetation.
2. The Great Blue Hole
This incredible underwater sinkhole measures 984 feet across and
plunges 394 feet deep. It’s one of the top 10 best scuba diving spots in
the world. You’ll find it off the coast of Belize.
3. Salar de Uyuni
From first glance it looks like a huge white ocean, but the truth is
this flat is thought to contain over ten billion tons of salt. It’s the
largest salt flat in the world and spans 4,086 square miles in southwest
Bolivia. As part of the Andes, it is located 11,995 feet above sea
4. The Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights
People travel far and wide to Norway, Alaska and Yellowknife to view
this magnificent sight! Legend has it that the Northern Lights aka
Aurora Borealis occur when the spirits of those who’ve died pass over
the heavens while the whistling crackling noise that tends to accompany
the lights are the voices of those spirits. The scientific explanation:
when highly charged electrons from the solar system meet elements such
as oxygen and nitrogen from earth’s atmosphere, various colors burst
forth. The color of the lights depend on the individual atoms struck and
at which altitude. The dance or shift, flow and movement of the lights
is caused by the constant shift of magnetic and electrical forces
reacting to each other.
5. Dead Sea
The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth in any land mass and has
the highest concentration of salt in the world. It’s called “dead”
because living creatures and plants are unable to survive thanks to its
high salinity and yet it provides all sorts of health properties to
those who swim…er float in it.
6. The Blue Grotto
There is an intense blue light that floods this famous cave in Capri,
Italy. The brilliant blue color is caused by two tiny holes in the cave
wall that are barely visible to those you look for it. If you place
your hand underwater it will “glow” mysteriously thanks to the cave
conditions and nature of the light.
7. Paria Canyon, Arizona
Paria Canyon spans across Utah and Arizona and just happens to be one
of the most unique hiking locations in the southwest. In addition to
the amazing natural red sandstone structures, The Wave is an exceptional
formation that tourists flock to, thanks to the red streaks and wave
8. Lac Rose
Lake Retba aka Lac Rose is located in Senegal, just north of the Cap
Vert peninsula. As you can tell by the photo and its name, the lake is
completely pink! The shade is caused by the Dunaliella salina algae in
the water which produces a red pigment that turns the waters a shade of
rose. Like the Dead Sea, this lake is full of salt, so those who swim in
it float easily.
9. Mount Kilimanjaro
Kilimanjaro is the highest free-standing mountain in the world at
19,341 feet above sea level. It is also the highest mountain in Africa
and although dormant, this stratovolcano could very well erupt again as
the last major eruption occurred between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago.
10. Eye of the Sahara
The Eye of the Sahara aka Richat Structure is located in the Sahara
desert of west-central Mauritania. It’s an incredible structure
consisting of volcanic rocks, lava flows and carbonatites. Scientists
once thought the dome was created by an asteroid impact, but now they
say it is a deeply eroded geologic dome. Regardless of the exact cause
of this natural wonder, it is certainly an incredible sight to behold!
11. Harbor of Rio De Janeiro
Guanabara Bay aka Harbor of Rio De Janeiro, is one of the seven
natural wonders of the world. It is the largest bay int the world and is
surrounded by the famous Sugar Loaf Mountain, Tijuca hills and
Corcovado Peak.
12. Devil’s Marbles
These massive granite boulders can be found scattered in clusters in
Australia’s outback near Wauchope in the Northern Territory.
13. Moraine Lake
I’ve always wanted to visit Moraine Lake, a glacially-fed lake
located in the Valley of the Ten Peaks just outside the Village of Lake
Louise, Alberta, Canada.
14. Travertine Pools at Pamukkale
Pamukkale, Turkey is home to the infamous travertine pools. At first
glance these hot springs resemble liquid marble when in fact the
formation is caused by the mineral composition of the water. There are
17 hot water springs in this area all ranging from 95 °F to 212 °F.
According to history, Cleopatra came to bathe here!
15. The River of Five Colors
Caño Cristales in Columbia is widely known as “The Liquid Rainbow” or
The River of Five Colors” thanks to the incredible colors at the bottom
of the river. This explosion of color occurs during a short period of
time when the plant Macarenia clavigera turns red, joining the green and
yellow sand and crystal clear blue waters.
16. Paricutín Volcano
Paricutín is one of the seven natural wonders in the world and is
located in Michoacan, Mexico. It is the youngest volcano in America and
the reason for being named a “wonder” – its birth was witnessed by a
17. Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system. It
spans an area of over 344,000 kilometers and consists of 900 islands and
over 2,900 individual reefs. The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s
largest coral reef system. It spans an area of over 344,000 kilometers
and consists of 900 islands and over 2,900 individual reefs.
18. Mount Everest
Located in the Himalayas, Mount Everest is the 5th tallest mountain
measured from the center of the Earth and the Earth’s highest mountain
reaching 29,029 feet above sea level.
19. Moeraki Boulders
Hundreds of jumbo marbles are scattered across the Koekohe beach in
New Zealand. Are they dragon eggs? Some prehistoric fossil? They are
almost completely spherical and believe it or not they were formed over
time with concretion and erosion.
20. Marble Caves, Chile
In the center of Lake General Carrera you will find the incredible
Marble Caves with Marble Chapel and Marble Cathedral. It has been
estimated that this massive block of marble weighs approximately 5
billion tons and has formed caves, tunnels and caverns thanks to 6,200
years of wave movement.
21. Grand Canyon
It is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and spans 277
miles long, 18 miles wide and has a depth of over 6,000 feet. The Grand
Canyon has eroded and formed thanks to the Colorado River cutting its
channels through layers of rock over the course of 17 million years.
22. Victoria Falls
Based on width (1.7 km) and height (360 feet), Victoria Falls is the
largest waterfall in the world. You’ll find the falls between Zimbabwe
and Zambia.
23. Stone Forest
The Yunnan Stone Forest in Shilin, Kunming China was known as the
‘First Wonder of the World’ and were discovered back during the Ming
Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.). Massive stones, caves span across 96,000
24. Spotted Lake
Osoyoos Lake gets its large spots in the summer months when the water
evaporates leaving pools of minerals behind. The “Spotted Lake” is the
most mineral-rich lake in the world and is said to have healing powers.
25. Grand Prismatic Spring
No that isn’t a Photoshopped image! The amazing and colorful Rainbow
Lake is the largest hot spring in the USA and the third largest in the
world. Its vivid colors are caused by the combination of the
mineral-rich water, the pigmented bacteria found in the lake and its
26. Matterhorn
Measuring 14,690 feet high, The Matterhorn is one of the highest
peaks in the Alps and the iconic emblem of the Swiss Alps in general.
27. Angel Falls
At 3,212 high, the Angel Falls in Venezuela is the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall.
28. Bryce Canyon
What makes the Bryce Canyon so spectacular? The geological structures
called hoodoos that reach up to 200 feet high. They are created and
formed by the lake bed sedimentary rocks, stream erosion and frost
29. Crystal Cave in Bermuda
Loads of stalactites and soda straws meet the most stunning deep azure blue lake in the Crystal Caves on the island of Bermuda.
30. Nile River
The Nile River is the longest river in the world. Located in northern Africa it stretches 4,132 miles and spans 10 countries.
31. Mount McKinley
Denali is the highest mountain peak in North America reaching 20,320
feet above sea level. You’ll find Denali in the Alaska Range.
32. Redwood Forest
You’ll find the tallest and most massive tree species on earth (the
coast redwood) in the Redwood National and State Parks in northern
33. El Tatio Geysers
Head into the Andes Mountains of northern Chile and you’ll find El Tatio, a geyser field with over 80 geysers.
34. Reed Flute Cave
It’s over 180 million years old, is located in Guilin, Guangxi, China
and is filled with stalagmites, stalactites and rock formations. The
Reed Flute Cave’s is a natural limestone cave with stunning multicolored
35. Bay of Fundy
It has the highest tidal range in the world and has over 115 billion
tons of water flowing in and out of it each and every day. The Bay of
Fundy has the highest tidal range in the world and can be found between
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
36. Niagara Falls
It doesn’t matter how many times I visit Niagara Falls, this
incredible waterfall never gets old. It’s located between Niagara Falls,
Ontario and Niagara Falls, New York. Over 168,000 cubic feat of water
flow over the edge of the falls every minute!
37. Uluru/Ayers Rock
Australia’s most recognisable natural landmarks appears to change
color during the course of the day with shades from terracotta to
flaming red. It stands 1,142 feet high with most of its bulk underground
(2,831 feet above sea level).
38. Cascate del Mulino, Saturnia, Maremma
Located outside the town of Saturnia in Tuscany, these hot springs
remain 37°C year-round. Their picturesque beauty will leave you
39. Fox Glacier, New Zealand
Take a trip to Westland Tai Poutini National Park in New Zealand and
you’ll spot the 13 km long Fox Glacier that ends among the rainforest.
How incredible is that?
40. Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon is essentially 5,500,000 square kilometers of rainforest
and is home to the largest collection of animal species and living
plants in the entire world.
pedestrian crossings to stunning road interchanges, beautiful bridges
fill the gaps in modern transportation. In a display of design and
engineering excellence, check out some rare sites to behold around the
The Nanpu Bridge – Shangai, China
This cable-stayed bridge has a main span of 428 meters. It is the 57th longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, opened to the public in 1991 – Read more
The Lucky Knot Bridge – Changsha, China
bridges woven into one, it has no beginning and no end. Next Architects
were awarded this project after their design proposal won an
international competition in 2013. It was completed 2016 Read more
The Gateshead Millennium Bridge – England
bridge opens and closes – It is a pedestrian and cyclist tilt bridge
spanning the River Tyne. Opened for public use in 2001, the
award-winning structure is sometimes referred to as the ‘Blinking Eye
Bridge due to its shape and its tilting method. Read more
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